Title: Playtime Is Over
Year: 2025
Artist: Anne de Vries
Actors: Timon Grau, Julien-Jakob Kneer, Anna Uddenberg, Otto Uddenberg de Vries,
Description: 22-minute video installation with sound
Resolution: 3840 × 2160 pixels (4K)
Title: Playtime Is Over
Year: 2025
Artist: Anne de Vries
Actors: Timon Grau, Julien-Jakob Kneer, Anna Uddenberg, Otto Uddenberg de Vries,
Description: 22-minute video installation with sound
Resolution: 3840 × 2160 pixels (4K)
Vapula’s Obsession 62% (left)
Vapula’s Obsession 78% (right)
Year: 2025
Artist: Anne de Vries
Dimensions: 89 cm × 55 cm × 35 cm
Materials: Brass pulver, epoxy, patina, resin core, acrylic paint. (also available in full bronze)
Description: Wall sculptures
Title: Little Heralds Amendments
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2025
Materials: Brass pulver, Patina, Resin core, Customized 1/6 knight with aluminum armor, heart balloon.
Dimensions: 35 x 45 x 30 cm
About: This art installation consists of a unique set of components that can be collected, installed, and played with.
Where: Blue Velvet, Zürich
Title: STAMP ALERT – Connecting The Dots
Year: 2025
Artist: Anne de Vries
An immersive installation exploring themes of media and constructed realities through a combination of animatronics, video, and large-scale printed visuals.
Installation Components:
Produced in collaboration with: ODYSSEY, Köln, and Blue Velvet, Zürich
Title: STAMP ALERT – Cosmic Horde Report
Year: 2024
Artist: Anne de Vries
In Collaboration With: Mansur Suri (main actor and narrator)
Medium: Video installation, 4K resolution, with audio
Duration: 22-minute loop
Description: A fictional news channel hosted by Anya Demure, covering diverse global news stories that interweave the lives of the two central characters, Mansur and De Wachter, blending their individual journeys into a shared narrative.
Title: Today’s Dream, Tomorrow’s Haunt
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2025
Dimensions: Variable, immersive
Materials: CGI renders, UV prints on PVC
Description: By repurposing banners typically used as visualisations, around construction sites,
the work builds on the illusions embedded in development imagery—visualizing projected architecture and lifestyles for a near future.
Credits: CGI renders produced in collaboration with Leonardo Reuvenkamp.
Title: STAMP ALERT – Home Dweller’s Journey
Year: 2024
Artist: Anne de Vries
In Collaboration With:
Contributors: Mansur Suri (main actor), Leonardo Reuvenkamp (3D animator)
Produced in Collaboration With: ODYSSEY, Cologne
Description: Life-sized video projection of a virtual apartment inhabited by the character De Wachter. The apartment also features the video STAMP ALERT, a fictional news program presented by Anya Demure.
Resolution: 7680 × 4320 pixels, stereo sound
Documentation from the group exhibition ‘To Romanticize with Indecision’
Curated by Monia Ben Hamouda & Michele Gabriele.
With artworks by Monia Ben Hamouda, Andrew Birk, Anne de Vries, Michele Gabriele, Dorota Gawed̨ a and Eglė Kulbokaite,̇ Bradford Kessler.
At Cassina Projects, Milan, 2024
Year: 2023
Artist: Anne de Vries
Dimensions: Variable
Materials: 14 fully functioning toilets on a dance floor with a light and sound system
Description: This immersive installation features 14 fully functioning toilets on a dance floor, equipped with lights and a sound system. Serving as a stage, it hosted several performers, musicians, and the club night CLUB UNCLOG throughout a one-month exhibition period.
This first incarnation has been hosted and produced by Trauma in Berlin.
Event Program:
April 29th: Opening Night: Evita Manji (live) AMNESIA SCANNER (DJset) SCHIRIN (DJset)
May 4th: TRAUMA UNCLOGGED: PRICE (live performance)
May 11th: TRAUMA UNCLOGGED: Jan Vorisek (live) SADAF (live)
May 20th: CLUB UNCLOG: 7777 の天使, Dmitra, Dasychira, Jasmine Infiniti, DJ Mantis.
Title: In Control
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Dimensions: Variable
Materials: Fencing, prints on vinyl
Description: Banners on the fencing advertise fictitious future events, featuring real locations and dates. It remains unclear whether these events signal a revolution or a party. The visuals, inspired by flyers for Tekno, Hardcore, and Bondage events, form a layered collage. Upon closer inspection, the locations reveal themselves as the headquarters of some of the world’s most environmentally destructive corporations.
Exhibited at: Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem
Title: Day Care Drill – Episode 02
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2023
Description: This art installation features infantile but not innocent scenes, that include toy-like sculptures that can be played with.
Location: The headquarters of the ‘Parti Communiste Français’, inside the ESPACE building designed by Oscar Niemeyer in Paris.
Curated by Kaleidoscope.
Excretion is automatic, but how we do it is not. Parents are advised to teach their children how to use a toilet when they’re around 18-24 months, and diapers are substituted for toddler toilets. Scaled down for smaller limbs, they resemble the real thing but without the architectonic devices — doors, walls, dividers — that define their referent. For what is considered the most intimate of architectural spaces, privacy is earned not given. Like with most training techniques, these are performative objects, like stage sets, upon which the digestive rites of adulthood are mimed under the watchful gaze of parents.
Like children’s toilets, children’s toys are designed more for the buyer than the user. For example, when the toy company Hasbro released the first “G.I. Joe” in 1964, they coined the term “action figure” to appeal to gender-anxious mid-century American parents who didn’t want their boys playing with dolls. Since then, action figure has become the generic eponym for posable plastic toys marketed male — a wide range of products that shift with the times. Not long after the militaristic original hit shelves, cop-themed action figures emerged, including those released in conjunction with the 1970s crime drama show S.W.A.T., which chronicled the fictional adventures of a “Special Weapons And Tactics” team in California.
Violent delights marketed to children, whether action figures or video games, offer a projection screen for the adult world that makes them. For some, they’re the cause of all the blood and guts smeared across our grown-up world — a scapegoat for the AR-15s wielded by young adults (if not those by the men-in-blue who swat them down as they enter school). Others construe them as a cathartic device, or at least a palliative, for the violence that children perceive around them: a way to get your gusto for gore out of the system through play acting. Violence is presented as a socially-transmitted disease, and role-play as either predictive or prophylactic. Everyone eventually grows up, of course; some become cops themselves, while others become collectors. Today 1:6 scale action figures are tailored as much to children as adults — infantilized violence matured into a speculative market.
For DAY CARE DRILL, an exhibition at Blue Velvet Projects in Zürich, Anne de Vries brings his lion-in-knight’s-armor into a drama of toy policing. The exhibition constitutes the next chapter in the avatar’s twisted hero’s journey, which has unfolded across different spaces and pages throughout the last year. Previously the heraldic figure stomped its paws across landscapes of sand, first at Berlin’s Fragile Gallery and later at the former building of the famous Tresorclub. Not long after, the knight became De Wachter: a public sculpture perched on the roof of the Dutch secret service in Zoetermeer. At Blue Velvet Project, the monument peers domestic and dresses in drag. It invades a children’s nursery inflected with sadistic intent — a fever dream of infantilized power and infant power structures. 1:6 scale SWAT figures are made sticky with chocolate syrup, posed on cradles, and deflated by the brass-patinated, engorged paws of de Vries’ heraldic lion in armor. DAY CARE DRILL interrogates childhood tropes as a proxy for adulthood, when role-play delaminates. Characters become identities, props appear structural, and when the performance is misperformed, it signifies something else: artificiality.
Text by Nicholas Korody
The Exhibition is on view at Blue Velvet Projects until October 29th, 2022
Title: Home Alone
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Material: Rusted metal coating, patina, carved rigid foam core, ceramic toilet, plastic pipes.
Dimensions: 98 x 87 x 100 cm
Where: Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich
Title: The Great Turn
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Materials: Brass metal powder, patina, resin core, semi-customized 1/6 action figures.
About: This art installation consists of a unique set of components to collect, install, and to be played with.
Dimensions: Variable
Where: Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich
Title: Public Display
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Materials: Bronze coating, rusted patina, carved rigid foam core, metal bar, acrylic cables
Dimensions: 180 x 120 x 80 cm
Where: Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich
Title: SAFE SPACE – Choco Relief
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Materials: Messing coating, patina, resin core, and semi-customized 1/6 action figures.
About: This art installation consists of a unique set of components to collect, install, and to be played with.
Dimensions: Variable
Where: Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich
Title: SAFE SPACE – Tickle Play
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Materials: Bronze coating, patina, hard polylactic acid core, semi-customized 1/6 action figures.
About: This art installation consists of a unique set of components to collect, install, and to be played with.
Dimensions: Variable
Where: Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich
Title: Little Herald
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Materials: Brass, Patina, Resin core, Customized 1/6 knight with aluminum armor, 1/6 police action figure
Dimensions: 35 x 45 x 30 cm
About: This art installation consists of a unique set of components that can be collected, installed, and played with.
Where: Blue Velvet, Zürich
Title: Day Care Drill
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Material: Archive for ‘Special Weapons and Tactic tools’ in the bathroom cabinet, 150 rolls of toilet paper
About: This art installation consists of a unique set of components to collect, install, and to be played with.
Dimensions: Variable
Where: Blue Velvet Projects, Zürich
About: The art installation ‘Stomping Grounds’ is a 1:1 replica made from sand, of the giant gold vault, underneath the Jewish-owned Wertheim building
which after a turbulent history, and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 became the cradle of techno music from Detroit, Chicago, UK, and of course Germany, known as Tresor.
Art installation by Anne de Vries in collaboration with
Curators: Adriano Rosselli, Odessa Evelyn Malke
Researcher: Sven von Thülen (der Klang der Familie)
Sand carvers: Bouke Atema, Jeroen Advocaat.
Sound designers: Rowan Ben Jackson, Odysseas Constantinous.
4D Sound programming: Usomo
Location: Kraftwerk Berlin
Title: De Wachter
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2022
Material: Aluminium, lacquer, and wax.
Dimensions: 200 x 200 x 180 cm
Description: “‘De Watcher’ is a commissioned sculpture situated in the building that serves as the headquarters of the Dutch Secret Service, located in Zoetermeer.”
Curator: Melchior Jaspers
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2021
Dimensions: Variable
Material: Sand, Fences, Vinyl Prints.
Historically, the right to bear arms was hereditary — a sexually-transmitted inheritance from parent to child, like the color of your eyes or the deed to a home. Heraldry developed out of this, a state-regulated economy of signs demonstrating that the bearer, or his ancestor, was legally entitled to wield a weapon. Like a mise en abyme, this visual system involved layers of meaning. Mere possession of a family crest demonstrated a certain social standing, but its specific form also carried weight. For instance, the so-called “king of beasts,” a lion, implied strength, nobility, or courage in the battlefield. But over time, these direct semantic connections weakened, between the animal and its depiction, as well as between a coat of arms and knighthood. Heraldic designs eventually came to signify simply the product of a birthright: generational wealth, which is to say, power. Sand itself doesn’t signify power, but it makes it work. A vast and obscure extractive industry turns shorelines into the glass skyscrapers that compose the skylines of Alpha global cities. Sand is both a major resource within the contemporary global economy and the origins of its symbolic representation. That is, like the relationship between the living lion to its stylized double on a heraldic crest, the shifting reality of sand haunts the visual embodiment of finance capitalism as architectural form. For HEAVY LOAD, an exhibition at Fragile in Berlin, Anne de Vries has filled the space with 15 tons of sand. Impressed in its surface are the chopped and screwed traces of corporate logos, neighboring buildings, and the pawprints of a knight cannibalized by its own herald, put on podophilic display.
Text by Nicholas Korody
Sand sculptures in collaboration with sand sculpture: Bouke Atema
Curator: Jonas Wendelin
Where: FRAGILE Berlin
DEEP SCROLL 380 pages artist publication produced in collaboration with AISSystem and Onomatopee.
This first edition contains contributions by Amalia Groom, Iain Hamilton Grant, Nicholas Korody, Theodore Gracyk, Gary Allen, Jesse Paul Crane-Seebe, Jenna Sutela, Alain Badiou, Ariella Azoulay, Steve Goodman, Robert Minto, Sarah Friend, Marcel Mrejen, Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė, William Kherbek, Sam Jacob, and many others.
Published by Onomatopee
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2017 / 2021
Dimensions: 8 meters tall
Exhibited at FAÇADE 2017 in Middelburg, The Netherlands
Exhibited at MOMENTUM 10 – Nordic Biennale 2019 Norway
Exhibited at Centraal Museum Utrecht 2020-21 The Netherlands
Title: Lost in Time, Tech and Space
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2020
Dimensions: 480 x 160 x 145cm
Materials: Hard foam, metal, aluminum, coating, high-duty robe.
Title: Détournement 023
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2020
Dimensions: 79 x 59 x 1.4 Inch / 201 x 151 x 3,5 cm
Material: Cotton canvas 380 g, gesso, acrylic paint, photography, kierewiet logo, UV-print, aluminum stretcher.
Title: T.A.Z.
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 85 x 56 x 5,5 cm / 33.5 x 22 x 2.2 Inch
Material: Chinese ink, acrylic paint, laser print,
gesso, narkotek logo, hard foam.
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2017
Materials: Works on watercolor paper 140lb/300gsm Winsor & Newton
Size: 760 x 560 mm
Title: Windy
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2020
Size: 200x150cm
Material and techniques: Linen canvas 380g, gesso, acrylic paint, UV-print, a photograph of trees near the Chelsea piers,
with hands from the Rat God by Richard Corben, and a Paris apartment rendered by Bertrand Benoit, oakwood artist frame.
Title: Anarchy in the Hive Mind
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2020
Size: 191x141x4,5cm
Material: 380g linen canvas, gesso, photography of plants from REWE, cartoon bees and hornets, UV-print, CGI, double wood stretcher, aluminum artist frame.
Title: Lost in Time, Tech and Space
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2018
Material: steel, polyethylene, coating.
Dimensions: 598 x 134 x 125 cm
Documentation from: ‘Hybrids‘ curated by Chris Driessen & David Jablonowski at Lustwarande in Tilburg, The Netherlands
Title: Campaign Tech 2016
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2017
Materials: acrylic paint, UV-print, vinyl, aluminum truss system
Title: Salsa
Artists: Anne de Vries and Alberto De Michele
Year: 1999
Dimensions: Variable
Materials: Dancefloor with a sound sequence you can dance to, and 5000 packages of Mustard, Duck, and Soy Sauce on the floor to walk and dance on.
Title: Critical Mass : Pure Immanence
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2015
Video: Full HD
Screen 300cm x 135cm
Duration: 11 min loop
Camera, Video edit, Lyrics and Music arrangement by:
Anne de Vries and Q-dance including AquaDome, LPIN-AX, Phill Niblock, Thomas Ankersmit, a.o.
Video stills and Documentation from the 9th Berlin Biennale at KW, Nuit Blanche Paris, Cell Projects London, Fries Museum and Foam Museum
Flash Art Magazine: Issue 311 “Transformation Through Depoliticization” by Anne de Vries, 2016, ONLINE/PRINT/PDF
Cover artist: Anne de Vries
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2016 and 2018
Dimensions: 380 x 200 x 60 cm
Materials: sand, stones, wood, plastic, aluminum, paint, PVA, styrofoam, miniature advertisement campaign, miniature graffiti, miniature truss system, miniature LED projector, miniature Hi-Fi system.
About: Hardstyle event diorama in a scale of 1:87, presenting several texts produced for this installation.
Exhibition view from the 9th Berlin Biennale at the KW in Berlin, Fries Museum in Groningen, KUMU Museum Tallinn.
Read more about this project HERE in Flash Art Magazine
Title: Entwurf zu ‘kleine Freude’
Etude pour ‘Petites joies’
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 517mm x 347mm x 50mm
Edition: Unique, Signed
Material: Archival UV print, on Photo Forex, wooden frame with acrylic paint.
Technique: Digital collage with photographs taken by the artist from crowds with laser light shows on different occasions, and works by Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky,
the title refers to the compositions and writing by Kandinsky about the relationship between people, music, and colors.
Title: Submission
Artist: Anne de VriesYear: 2015
Material: 4-track audio, video live streams, fiberglass, wood.
Dimensions: Variable
“Inside the first gallery, De Vries pulls together the human psyche by exploding a head into a variety of architectural structures and representations alongside the technology we use to feed thought and communication. Live-streamed screens of global locations take us to faraway places, from the congested streets of Times Square, New York City, to a tranquil bird watch in the South American jungle. Time zones are switched to accommodate the viewer’s desire. Each architectural make-shift shelter harbors conversations between a mediator, commissioned by Vries, to investigate and interview various representatives from special unrelated global institutions ranging from monasteries, shelters, detention centers, swingers clubs, and meditation centers. Via a series of discussions and questioning, focusing on the philosophy and mission of each institution, the audio reveals a simulation of codes and rules, which seem to merge into one. Technology takes an anthropomorphic form and the audio gives shape to distinct places and states of mind that can potentially be entered and fade into each other. The caller’s phrases and vocabulary simulate fragmented codes of artificial intelligence where humans become part of the automated tools they use.”
Documentation from the solo exhibition:Submission at Cell Projects in London, and solo exhibition Public Cortex at Onomatopee in Eindhoven and at Hybrid Layers at ZKM Museum in Karlsruhe
Title: Boids
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2015
Dimensions: Various
Material: Polystyrene with UV print on Vinyl wrap.
Subject matter: Photographs from different social, political, and religious gatherings, such as Hong Kong Protest 2015, Mecca Hajj Sep 2014, Tunisia Protest Jan 2011, ‘Je Suis Charlie’ March Place de la Republique in Paris, Jan 2015, Martin Luther King Jr. speech in Washington August 1963, Guatemala Rises Up May 2015, and others.
About: Before they could be used for flight, feathers first appeared on dinosaurs for other, terrestrial purposes such as heat regulation, camouflage or signaling. Blindly, and through the ecstasy of geological timespans, their use was transformed and mortal animals were again granted the power of flight in a new way. In biology the evolution of the feather is an example of an exaptive trait, namely a trait that evolves for use in solving one adaptive problem, but then is at some point retooled or co-opted to serve another. Recent computational models of E.Coli suggest most traits start off as exaptations. The exaptive trait stands in opposition to the idea that biology or the world is pre-determined. Instead it is wholly contingent. If the forms and functions of heredity can be so fundamentally repurposed and our material, animal bodies transmogrified to fly over mountains and swim beneath oceans, it is because matter is itself inherently open, lacking in essential character or permanent identity. A deep modularity of/and in service to a matter determined to experience all variations of itself. Whatever functions a structure has today is no clear indication of its function or meaning in the future. At each moment of time, we are new. Dependently originated, the universe in a unique configuration; empty of essence yet pregnant with unimagined forms and unpredictable capacities. The artworks and objects in this exhibition speak to the ability of the world to transform to its core.
Installation views from E_MERGE at Foam Museum, Amsterdam and ‘Asdzáá nádleehé‘ curated by Timur Si-Qin at Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Photo by Andrea Rossetti
Title: Trails Rising
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2011
Size: variable from 223 cm high up to 12 meters high
Material: Plastic, sand, metal
About: The sculpted totem poles ‘Trails Rising’ are made from a mixture of sand and epoxy clay which has been marked by the tread of various sneakers. The imprints forged by ergonomic footwear, designed to augment the body, remain as traces forming future terrains. In their profusion the individual prints join and become a pattern across a mutable landscape – as if a multitude of solitary runners meet one another in a collective space, traversing the poles in a direct attempt at transcendence. One reference might be Brancusi’s monumental Infinite Column, built as a WW1 memorial for those who died defending the Romanian city of Targu-Jiu, which was created as a means of symbolic ascension to heaven. Through these similar gestures, we are presented with a different process-based interpretation, opposing Brancusi’s essentialist notion of what enhanced realities could be.
Documentation from: Sandy Brown Berlin, Éric Hussenot Paris, Fluxia Milano, and The Composing Rooms London.
This body of work is inspired by “The dream of King Camp Gillette.” and his proposal for the ideal city. Before perfecting his invention of the safety razor and founding what became a major American industrial and sales enterprise, King Camp Gillette (1855-1932) authored several books and pamphlets calling for radical changes in the country’s economic and social system. The first of these polemical tracts, The Human Drift, called for the establishment of an ideal society to be created by The United Company “Organized for the purpose of Producing, Manufacturing, and Distributing the Necessities of Life.” Except for agricultural and other rural pursuits, all activities and all the population would be concentrated in one giant and hyper-designed mega-city, using high-tech materials and systems, to build an urban complex that Gillette called “Metropolis.” Although Gillette’s book has been regarded as part of the tradition of utopian romances like the better-known Looking Backward, by Edward Bellamy, it can also be looked on as a serious, if misguided, proposal for organizing the urban world. Gillette was a tinkerer and inventor, and “Metropolis” represents his verbal working model of a new kind of city.
Title: Around the Eye
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2013
Material: Digital print on extruded polystyrene XPS, plexiglass, aluminum frame
Steps of Recursion on rail – ICG
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2012
Size: 135 x 110 x 75 cm
Material: steel frame, UV print, plastic
Steps of Recursion – Tuned
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2012
Size: 220 x 150 x 65 cm
Material: Stainless steel construction with photo prints on plastic.
Image Transfers – Apple, Pear and Banana
Image Transfers – Apple, Avocado and Lemon
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2012
Size: 160 x 70 cm
Material: Print on photo paper
About: These two digital prints present their own production tear down, starting as a still-life of supermarket fruit captured by a digital camera, the image travels through the lens, chip, wire, computer components, software, etc. all the way to the printer, until its materialization as ink on paper that is hung with hooks and clips to the wall. The deceptive simplicity of this arrangement is overcoded by an informational panorama that renders visible the circumstances and locations of the chain of production in relation to which the fruit are the end-product eventuations. The inscriptions include the name and address of the retailer and the first responsible production companies involved and are superimposed in small type over the still-life image. Lining up the dynamic roots of this art piece production in today’s global economy.
Exhibition views from: Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem, Foam Museum in Amsterdam, Sandy Brown in Berlin and Nest Museum in Den Haag.
Image transfer : Jalapeños, Rucola, Peanuts
Artist: Anne de Vries
Size: 160x70cm
Image transfer : Jalapeños, Peanuts, Champignons
Artist: Anne de Vries
Size: 160x70cm
Image transfer : Rucola, Jalapeños, Peanuts
Artist: Anne de Vries
Size: 160x70cm
About: These digital prints present their own production tear down, starting as a still-life of supermarket produce captured by a digital camera, the image travels through the lens, chip, wire, computer components, software, etc. all the way to the printer, until its materialization as ink on paper that is hung with hooks and clips to the wall. The deceptive simplicity of this arrangement is overcoded by an informational panorama that renders visible the circumstances and locations of the chain of production in relation to which the fruit are the end-product eventuations. The inscriptions include the name and address of the retailer and the first responsible production companies involved and are superimposed in small type over the still-life image. Lining up the dynamic roots of this art piece production in today’s global economy.
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 700cm wide, consisting of 150 x 100 x 3,5 cm stretchers.
Material: Print (UV-RGB-W) on mirror coated PVC, Aluminum P35 Stretcher, with Aluminum artist frame.
Titles: CAVE2CAVE_1379, CAVE2CAVE_0671, CAVE2CAVE_0807,
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 150 x 100 x 3,5 cm
Material: mirror-coated PVC, with Print (UV-RGB-W) on an Aluminium P35 stretcher, and inside an aluminum artist frame.
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2011 – 2019
Size: 130 x 100 cm (60.63 inch x 33.46 inch)
Material: UV print on mirror foil, aluminum frame
About: Photographs of wrinkled reflections of cave paintings and UV-printed on mirror foil on a stretcher.
Two artworks: Interface – Easy Jet & Interface Mushashi, installed at the exhibition RUIS, curated by Melanie Bühler and collected by Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem.
Title: Interface – Downstairs
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 164 x 124 cm
Materials: 2 digital prints on 2 sheets of Forex, with digital cut-outs, painted wooden frame.
About: Exhibition views from Folklore Contemporain Exhibition ll with sculptures by Sebastien Aubry & Dimitri Broquard at SWG in Glasgow.
Title: Interface – Musashi
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 164 x 124 cm
Materials: 2 digital prints on 2 sheets of Forex, with digital cut-outs, painted wooden frame.
Title: Interface – Il Casolare
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2014Dimensions: 164 x 124 cm
Materials: 2 digital prints on 2 sheets of Forex, with digital cut-outs, painted wooden frame.
Title: Interface – Easy Jet
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 164 x 124 cm
Materials: 2 digital prints on 2 sheets of Forex, with digital cut-outs, painted wooden frame.
Mind Management
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2013
Size: 200 x 65 x 175 cm
Material: Stainless steel, digital print on plexiglass.
Places to see
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2013
Size: 260 x 65 x 160 cm
Material: Stainless steel, digital print on polished and milled Plexiglass Unique
Copyright: Anne de Vries
Title: Viewfinder
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2013
Material: Stainless steel, Pink Plexiglass, Key, Rubber medical tubes
Size: 45 x 65 x 175 cm
Title: At the Shores
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2013
Size: 65cm x 160cm
Material: Digital prints, framed
About: While many of the computer-generated events assigned to these random dates will probably not take place,
some computer-generated speculations will take place. Such as those made by NASA and the science community at large.
Nightwatch at the parking lot
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2014
Size: Large Scale Installation
Material: Eye Glasses made out of metal, walls, furniture, surveillance camera systems,
LCD screens, fabrics and other props.
Documentation from The Moving Museum at Shishane Autopark in Istanbul
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2011
Material: HD video projection
Size: 3 meter x 135 cm projection screen
Length: 5 minute Loop
Sound: James Whipple (aka M.E.S.H.)
Text: Parts from Bertrand Russell’s ‘A.B.C. of Relativity’ Philosophical consequences.
About: ‘Forecast’ is a computer-generated video in which the camera is panning through photographs of a blue sky with clouds photographed over Amsterdam. There is a slow voice that takes us through specific segments of Bertrand Russell’s book “ABC of Relativity” in which Russell explicates the differences between actuality and perception. Addressing relativity theory and concepts of space-time. Halfway through the video, the reading of Bertrand Russell’s text turns into music, leading the viewer into a more associative experience.
Documentation views from: Kunsthal Charlottenborg in Denmark, Max Mayer Gallery in Dusseldorf, and E_MERGE at Foam Museum.
Whole World Overview
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2011
Size: 220cm
Materials and techniques: UV print on Dibond and 4mm Plexiglass
About: This artwork is generated by Anne de Vries in association with NASA’s The Whole World satellite photography.
The footage is stretched into a circle (North-Pole to South-Pole) reminiscent of ancient Sun Crosses and Sun Wheels.
Documentation by: Future Gallery Berlin
Foto by GJ van Rooij
All Days of Aquarius
Artist: Anne de Vries
Year: 2011
Size: 188 cm x 42 meter (74.02 x 1653.54 inch)
Material: Solvent print on Vinyl
A calendar presenting every single day of the 2150-year-long time period, starting with 1962-02-04 continues into the year 4114.
With a total length of 42 meters, this calendar can be exhibited in different ways, rolled, or enrolled as much as fits in the exhibition space.
Documentation views from TruEye SurView at W139 in Amsterdam, ‘Superficial Hygiene‘ at Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem, Max Mayer Gallery in Dusseldorf, and E_MERGE at Foam Museum